Mathematics project II
Elliptic Curve Cryptography

An introduction to ECC, Digital Signatures and Computer Security

Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) is expected to replace RSA as the Cryptosystem of choice when creating secure applications for eBusiness, mBusiness (wireless internet), privacy and national security. ECC is fast and uses much less resources than its competitors. Because ECC is based on a much harder mathematical problem than RSA, it provides the same or better security with much shorter key lengths. This makes ECC appropriate in resource critical applications, like Smart Cards and Cell phones.

My report

Not available... Contact me if you need it... ;)


There are a lot of great resources available on the Internet:
Certicom provides ECC tutorials, white papers and consulting.
Implementing Elliptic Curve Cryptography
This book by Michael Rosing includes an implementation of ECC in C, and the web page has an Author Online discussion where the author responds to questions from the readers.
Neil Koblitz
The ECC-man.
Alfred J. Menezes
Another ECC-man. His web page, where he advises against buying his books - and the one he does like is free:
Handbook of Applied Cryptography
Menezes' book online.
RSA Security
The traditional Data Security company, beginning to understand that they have to use ECC too...
sci.crypt, sci.crypt.research, talk.politics.crypto
Newsgroups on cryptography.
Some ECC pages at UiO.


Alexei Rudakov, Idar Hansen
My professors at NTNU.
Tore Hauge, Huynh van Khang-Hy, Kristian Gjøsteen, Tord Ingolf Reistad
Other ECC students at NTNU.
My home page. If I ever get kicked out from NTNU, you will always find this page via my home page.

Last updated: June 13, 2000